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6th Series – Be Warned

BE WARNED! Series 6 begins with card 108 and is posted through card 115. The series is halfway completed and the final cards will be posted monthly. It incorporates Our Lady’s current, ongoing messages from Medjugorje on the 2nd and 25th of each month and her three annual messages and the Catholic calendar with the book, Joshua: A Parable for Today—a parable about what it would be like if Jesus lived among us today. The Catholic calendar is Earth’s oldest Christian calendar, celebrating the sacred rites of the Eucharist in a liturgical service. Card 115 includes her last callthrough the visionary Mirjana and her announcement on March 25, 2020, that “Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the Earth on which you walk.” The parable ends badly. Religious leaders censor Joshua’s words and he disappears and is no longer seen on earth! Watch for Mary’s messages on the 25th. By the time I get to the final chapter, it could be The Final Call!

The Last Call! In 1981, Mary began to call the world from Medjugorje through six children in visions. In 1982, she gave the visionary Mirjana the last of ten secrets and stopped appearing to her, except annually on March 18th. In 1987, she began to appear to her privately on the 2nd of each month. In 2004, Mary instructed her to announce the messages to the world. Three visionaries have received all ten secrets and Mary has stopped appearing to them, except annually; three have received nine. When the last secret is revealed to them, she will no longer appear on Earth and the end-time disasters will come to pass (Series 5/cards 89-107: The Mayan Prophecies of the geomagnetic pole reversal and the ascension in consciousness). On March 18, 2020, during her annual message to Mirjana, Mary announced that she would no longer be giving her messages.

My First Call! In 2003, Mary began calling me, Kandy Roe, at 3 a.m. daily with a strong inner sense of urgency to write cards about her many apparitions throughout time and the Rosary. She wanted me to send them to family and friends. In 2009, she instructed me by listening to my inner guidance to write card 15, an overview of her messages from Medjugorje. Later, I was instructed to add her messages throughout the cards. In 2013, I was instructed to write cards for her ongoing messages from Medjugorje. In 2016 with Series 4, Mary began incorporating the ongoing Catholic calendar into the cards.

OUR HOLY MOTHER—HOLY MOTHER EARTH, has instructed me to begin a second series of cards, congruent with Series 6. Series 7 begins with her last call through Mirjana and her message announcing “Satan is Reigning.” Series 7 incorporates her messages with the book, Earth, the Cosmos and You: Revelations by Archangel Michael, by Orpheus Phylos and Virginia Essene. In 1980, Orpheus began channeling messages from Archangel Michael. Virginia was instructed to write them down to bring his message to the world. There will be a new world peace through ascension in consciousness—a shift in awareness, a learning to listen to our inner guidance that calls us to change, to acquire new perceptions, and move in new directions. He announced that he is coming with his Legion of Light to transmute negativity by continuing to neutralize darkness. There are many celestial beings and interlaced dimensions working for this great ascension. Divine light will overcome darkness as humanity returns back to God (Introduction). Series 7 incorporates the special part of the Catholic calendar called the Proper of the Saints—Archangel Michael’s Legion of Light!

Virginia asked Archangel Michael: “Are we likely to have a pole shift soon?” Michael explained,“I will not give an exact time because it depends on the collective consciousness of humanity as to when this may occur. However, there is a vibration of a global shift to take place that could possibly cause enough upheaval to rearrange the ocean floors and create the rising of old Atlantis. If humanity would change its ways, many of the prophetic events could be avoided” (page 19).

Virginia asked Archangel Michael: “When you describe Lucifer as the Prince of Earth and the lower worlds, is that archetypal or anthropomorphic way of looking at Lucifer? Is Lucifer actually present among us? Or is it just his thought forms working on Earth?” Michael explained: Lucifer goes to and from the Earth stirring the pot of negativity by dropping unloving thought forms, through temptation and disguise, for anyone to utilize and manifest. The greatest tool of Lucifer is what we call the multiple D’s of darkness, such as doubt, discouragement, distraction, discomfort, disease, depression, division, and more” (page 17). Watch for Series 7, beginning soon! Kandy Roe