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9th Series: America is at a Crossroad: Democracy or Communism?

9th Series: America Is At A Crossroads: Democracy or Communism?

Beginning June 9, 2022, the House of Representatives Select Committee will hold six public hearings on the assault on the Capitol by President Trump’s people on June 6, 2021. For eleven months the committee has investigated the violent incident. In an interview on June 5, 2022, on CBS Sunday Morning, committee vice chair Liz Cheney warned: “PEOPLE MUST PAY ATTENTION! People must watch, and they must understand how easily our democratic system can unravel if we don’t defend it.” She warned that Trump continues to damage trust in American democracy by repeating his false claims of voter fraud, which have been debunked by courts, state and local election officials, and members of his own administration. Hearing Dates: June 9, 13, 15, 16, 21.

IT IS URGENT that during the public hearings people pray the Rosary. The Holy Mother is looking for an unlimited amount of love and prayer. Pray for the illumination of the hearts of the American people so they understand the truth. Pray for the illumination of the hearts of all involved in the conspiracy so that they expose their selves by telling the truth. Especially pray for the illumination, protection and strength of the Select Committee members. Thank you! Kandy Roe