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8th Series – The Mind’s Eye

About New Series 8: Seeing with the Mind’s Eye (1975) is a book by Mike Samuels M.D. and Nancy Samuels that teaches us how to awaken our dormant telepathic abilities. In this series I abridge the book and integrate it with Mary’s ongoing messages from Medjugorje, the Catholic calendar, current events, and messages from Series 7—Earth, Cosmos and You: Revelations by Archangel Michael.Through this integrative process, I intuit a message from the higher worlds. In March 2020, under the guise of COVID, our government closed all churches by labeling them “non-essential.” By deciding to allow it, churches surrendered our First Amendment freedoms. On March 25th, Mary declared, “Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the Earth!” Michael reveals that there is always disorder before ascension into a new millennium. It is brought about by leaders who want to control and manipulate the populace for self-gain by utilizing fear tactics through deceptive mind programming strategies. Our thoughts are being manipulated subtly through a deceptive media campaign over COVID, using words and images. Michael reveals that to overcome their mind games, we must pass eight tests to prove our self-mastery and self-sovereignty—tests that help us to awaken and master our innate telepathic powers by fighting to maintain our personal freedoms.